Serial Number IDM 6.36 Terbaru 2020 Full Version working

Kumpulan Daftar Serial Number IDM 6.36 Build 7 Terbaru 2020 Full Version working-Download Serial Number Key IDM 2020 Working Full Version Serial Number Key IDM 2020 version 6.36 Build 1 Final Working Full Version-halo sobat pada kali ini admin akan berbagi idm terbaru 2019 dan crack atau patch idm 2020 agar idm sobat menjadi full version.dengan idm sobat bisa mendownload aplikasi ataau game di pc dengan sangat cepat di bandingkan mendownload mengunakan software lainya...
Daftar kumpulan Serial Number Internet Download Manager terbaru 2020 (IDM) 6.36 Build 1 Full Version Serial Number IDM Update Terbaru 2020 Sampai 2020 Working-Download Kumpulan Serial Number IDM Update Terbaru 2020 akan berbagi serial number IDM 2020 Januari,Februari,Maret,April,Mei,Juny,july,Agust,September,Oktober 2020, buat sobat yang mencari IDM Serial Keys 2020, IDM Serial Keys 2020, IDM Cracks 2020, Working IDM Serials Key 2020, Working IDM Serial Keys 2020 bisa ambil dibawah dijamin 100% work
What’s new in IDM Full Crack version 6.36 Build 7 Final
Fixed bugs
Improved browser integration modules
Added support of new AV1 video type
Improved video recognition in web players
Fixed a problem with an incorrect display of some custom toolbars
Fixed an old critical bug that might damage process memory
Fixed problems with automatic installation of extension in Google Chrome
Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
Fixed compatibility problems with Google Chrome 72
Improved download engine
Found the cause of “403 Forbidden” error when downloading some videos and made a workaround
Improved browser integration modules
Fixed a problem with the interception of several types of downloads from browsers and from some file sharing web sites
Added support of UTF-8 (for non-latin characters) in authorization for web and proxy servers
Fixed critical bugs in IDM scheduler
Fixed other bugs
Adapted the user interface for Unicode characters for all versions of Windows
Added the possibility to translate IDM into all languages not previously supported
Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
Fixed the problems with Firefox and Google Chrome integration caused by some security applications
Improved download engine
Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
Improved video recognition in web players
Added support of Unicode only languages to latest Windows 10
Fixed compatibility problems with foreign language translations when using “Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” feature of Windows 10
Fixed a critical bug
Improved audio/video recognition in web player
Added support for Firefox 61, 62
Fixed a critical security bug
Improved video downloading for several types of video streams
Added support for Firefox 60
Improved download engine
Improved video recognition in web player
Improved proxy/socks settings
Added support for Firefox 59
Added a new extension for a full-fledged integration with Microsoft Edge browser
Improved proxy server settings, added a possibility to use system proxy settings
Improved download engine
Improved Firefox integration
Added support of https proxy servers. It’s possible to make VPN connections via https proxy servers by using proxy.pac files
Fixed problems with https downloading via proxy servers with Digest authentication
Added support for Firefox 57, 58
Added compatibility with Windows 10 Preview build 16257
Improved IDM download engine
Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
Fixed bugs in downloading several types of video streams
Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
Fixed critical bugs in IDM executable file and in browser integration modules
Resolved problems with downloading videos embedded on 3d party websites
Fixed critical bugs in browser integration modules
Fixed problem with erroneous interceptions of files in Firefox
Improved IDM download engine
Cara Instal IDM 2020
1. Matikan antivirus terlebih dahulu karena patch dianggap sebagai virus (false alarm)
2. Tutup IDM di baki dan idman636build7.exe sampai selesai dan tutup
3. Dalam folder patch, klik IDM Patch.exe (HARUS! Klik kanan jalankan sebagai admin)
4. Klik Reset IDM terlebih dahulu lalu klik Register IDM
5. Selamat menikmati!
2. Tutup IDM di baki dan idman636build7.exe sampai selesai dan tutup
3. Dalam folder patch, klik IDM Patch.exe (HARUS! Klik kanan jalankan sebagai admin)
4. Klik Reset IDM terlebih dahulu lalu klik Register IDM
5. Selamat menikmati!

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